What should be your reason to succeed in life?

One afternoon, a group of fox saw a rabbit, then the fastest fox said to his group “ Look, do you see that rabbit? He will be my delicious dinner tonight!”
 The group said, “Well, let’s see if you can catch the rabbit”.
So the fastest fox run and chase the rabbit…
Couple of hours passed and the fastest fox return to the group while grasping his breath.
The group of fox asked  him , “Where is the rabbit? You was not able to catch it?”
The fastest fox replied, “Well, you know…I ran to chase the rabbit so that I can have a delicious dinner, but the rabbit ran for his life!"  - retold by: Chris de Guzman

For us to really succeed in life, we should have a deeper  reason in everything we decide to pursue. Like the rabbit, the fox was not able to catch him even though the fox run faster than him, because the rabbit has a deeper reason which is "he ran for his life!" while the fox only ran just to have a delicious dinner.

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